December 17, 2008

talk of better days that have yet to come

Jag lovade att skriva om fredagen på engelska så min amerkanske vän skulle förstå nåt, eftersom den där google translator inte är något att lita på. Eftersom jag antar att ni är tillräckligt tvåspråkiga för att förstå vad jag skriver på engelska och jag för lat för att skriva två versioner får ni hålla er till den engelska om ni vill veta. So here it goes.
Me and Lewis was at the beach called Sandspit by the harbor. Where apparently there are huge waves some parts of the year. I just looked at some pictures from there and the waves are insane. And we saw dolphins. For real, in the ocean. I thought I'd never seen free ones before but I realized now that I have, when we drove up the coast this summer. But these where way closer, but not close enough to get a good shot with the camera I had with me though. Later Lewis showed off his skills on the harmonica. Pretty cool. But the sun set and I got cold with my shorts, yes I was wearing shorts in December. How weird is that.

Went home, changed and met my substitute family for a goodbye-dinner before everybody goes away to different places for Christmas. We went out to the pier and ate really good food. I didn't feel like going to IV and went to La Brezza instead, then Ola's place and then La Brezza again (where there were beer cans all over the floor) and played video games the rest of the night.


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